By Anonyme - 06/03/2014 10:23 - China - Dalian

Today, I’m a student in China, and I attended a welcoming party for the new students. It consisted of a police officer telling us what’s forbidden, the penalties if we do anything wrong and to avoid bars and nightclubs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 664
You deserved it 77

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

makes sense. it is china. also, you, and some other new students probably aren't from china, and needed to be briefed on local rules.

It would make sense if it were your orientation; but for a welcoming party?


It would make sense if it were your orientation; but for a welcoming party?

Mathalamus 24

makes sense. it is china. also, you, and some other new students probably aren't from china, and needed to be briefed on local rules.

I don't really see a problem here. You need to have a basic rundown of what can get you into compromising situations. Much better to have this information than to wind up in jail with only "But I didn't know!" as an excuse.

Uhhh, that sounds like a pretty standard party to me, OP. For my 21st birthday, I'm hoping to splurge and see if I can't get a comptroller or fire safety chief to attend!

Just turn up the volume like the rest of us. You get the police to attend and it's cheaper!

Suaria 38

China does have secret police that definitely take an interest in foreigners so it would make sense that a police in uniform would tell you what not to do.

I'm probably geeky and channeling my inner Sheldon, but I'd appreciate it. the date right on this FML?

Yes. They've been publishing a lot of old ones recently, it seems.

I hadn't even noticed this FML was submitted in 2014 I wonder if the OP was confirmed of its admission

You sorta deserved this for having a party in a communist country