By Anonymous - 01/06/2017 18:00 - Australia

Today, I'm a youth worker. I drove 7 hours to visit a teenage girl I have been working with, and who recently moved. Due to roadworks, it took me 2 hours longer than expected. When I arrived, she told me to fuck off and closed the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 174
You deserved it 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she had agreed to meet with you then It's an FYI. If she had not agreed to meet with you then YDI.

As a fellow youth worker, as if you didn't know that was a possibility ?


Perhaps you should have checked with her before showing up at her house. Youth worker or not, I do not causally like people randomly showing up to my house uninvited.

Ovenmitwearer 6
TeachAllTheMath 19

You’re great for driving so far to do that, even if it isn’t appreciated.