By bleroh - 04/03/2013 11:04 - China

Today, I’m in China for work. All my work is stored in my Google Drive, directly via the internet. It’s just a pity that Google is banned in China. FML
I agree, your life sucks 803
You deserved it 216

Top comments

Communism sucks! Go Capitalism! At least they didn't ban FML, though.

Why didnt you save the things you knew you would need (or might need) to the HD of your computer, or a flash drive of sorts if that is an option for the things?


As you work internationally, it is common sense for anyone who is in business to look at the laws or regulations of the country you are going into. You deserved it for not researching where you would be working.

Lucky are those of us who live in Europe or America where we have our freedom.

Mungolikecandy 19

The advantage of planning ahead and doing a little research about the places you are going in advance is rather evident. Still hindsight is 20:20

People, who get charged for using VPN, have usually committed other crimes that they primarily get charged for. The VPN is usually just added on top of those OR: Their usage of VPN in order to visit illegal websites was made public. In that case, the government is obliged to take action, if they're not looking for negative publicity.

research ************! Do you do it?

I feel bad for you, but really it's a YDI, That's something seriously important and easily discovered in what ought to be a simple search about the country you're going to. On top of that, not having a hard copy or at least a copy on a flash drive? Come on. At least you learned this lesson for the future.

YDI for being too dumb to work a proxy.