By Lauraborealous - 05/09/2012 18:27 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, I'm so broke that I hand-washed my socks with a bar of soap that I stole from work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 447
You deserved it 3 111

Lauraborealous tells us more.

for those saying that I should have stolen laundry soap or similar, i work at a restaurant, this wouldn't be possible

Top comments

For some people it's cheaper to have a cell phone then a house phone. We NEED phones to call for help and have people easily get In contact with us, it just depends on what type you get.


What of your boss saw this, he would fire you for stealing soap. :D

I once lived in a cheap motel, and ate off of the same chicken for two weeks. Now I live in a nice house and live middle class. You can only move up! Good luck, sweetie!

wildsweetchild 19

Sorry OP you're going through it now, but those who've been there and lived through it, only came out stronger! Hang in's the darkest before the dawn ;)

habibiiiiiii 2

Well you have a job so hopefully you won't have to keep hand washing your socks!

pinksnowflake 2

You might be broke, but you are things will turn around for you, OP.

its ok to have internet with phone or computer with internet. gotta keep in contact with friends and family. hopefully you can buy laundry soap next payday.

U stole a bar of soap? From work? L.O.L.!!

olpally 32

Very good... You passed reading comprehension 101. Welcome to FML, where stating the obvious gets you down voted. *thumbs you down* no shit!

perdix 29

Maybe you ought to go to the local police station and turn yourself in for Petty Theft Soap. You'll get three hots and a cot while you repay your debt to society for your larceny.

As good as that sounds, but that would be a waste of taxpayer money for a $0.99 bar of soap lol

we all have our hard ships in life it's ok op you are not alone. At least you got the job done

I wish I had a hard ship. Hell, I'd be happy with a raft :/