By spitballer1 - 06/07/2009 16:54 - United States
Top comments
Lmao that gives such a funny visual but that sucks OP.
Haha; I know, right? xD I love FMLs that make for such a vivid picture in my imagination. Anyways; OP-- roflmao :D that's hilarious. but IMO, the thought was sweet, but I personally don't relish the thought of sharing a piece of spaghetti with someone. wayy too cliche. but your girlfriend probably appreciates what you were trying to do (: but she probably doesn't appreciate washing regurgitated pasta out of her hair.
never copy the things you see on TV
#39 people breath on tv...
Did she enjoy the kiss?
Lmfao pwned. You should have let it just pile up in you mouth and not go directly in your throat.
Thats what she said.
lmao i havent heard a good twss in a while thank you :)
YDI For having a fail gag reflex
I guess it will be ok. Your girlfriend won't mind, because you tried to do something sweet and romantic :) xxx
It should be: "...for my girlfriend and I."
haha you're so wrong trying to be clever!
You wouldn't say "I made spaghetti for me." either. TECHNICALLY you would said "I made spaghetti for my girlfriend and myself." Take out "my girlfriend and" and you're left with "I made spaghetti for myself." Normally I don't do the grammar Nazi thing, but I just wanted to jump on the bandwagon for some reason. OP- Spaghetti down the throat, not fun. Someone already used the Wayne's World quote, but I'm going to second it.
Oh that sucks! I'm sure it was romantic until the little "accident" FYL!
Sloppy eating and tons of tomato sauce? Yeah, despite what the movies think, spag. isn't the most romantic meal :/ Bake her a cute cake or something
Yeah. Spaghetti is messy. Not something to eat on a romantic dinner.

Well... It WOULD have been really cute. Props for tryin', bro.
Lmao that gives such a funny visual but that sucks OP.