By BetterThanFake - 13/01/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, I made a fake MySpace so that I could flirt with my boyfriend and see what he would do. He ended up dumping me for the fake MySpace girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 421
You deserved it 51 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, technically, you guys are still together.

Orchid_fml 2

are you twelve ? awee it's cute that you're allowed to use the computer .


b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

YDI for being a bitchy idiot. It's for the best anyways, your relationship was a shitty one if you can't even trust your boyfriend.

IMB916 0

This outcome just proves why girls sometimes feel the need to do shit like this. FYL indeed.

star_ver 0

You still use Myspace? WTF. YDI for playing games.

This sounds like a modern day re-telling of "Escape" (the pina colada song)

Haha, except she knew exactly who she was talking to, and I highly doubt the reveal would work out as well for her.

DanielleTheOne 3

Maybe he realised it was u and dumped u coz ur crazy... just a thought :)

Oh wow. . . Talk about back-firing. :/ For the people who say YDI- she doesn't. People do that all the time. It wasn't a harmful act. She wanted to see how he handles flirting. A perfectly valid reason to do so. If she made an fake account to track an ex-boyfriend or to harrass someone, that would be another story.

On what planet do people do this "all the time"??

I have never done this and never would. It is not legitimate just because people do it "all the time." Trust is an important factor in a relationship, and clearly neither one of them can trust the other. Though her actions are worse in my opinion.

good part is u know he loves all aspects of u (the real n fake MySpace girl) bad part is whatever ur doing now he doesn't like cus he obviously dumped u for someone more interesting, made up or not lol

"back-firing" ? "her own fault"? Great success, now you know he's an ass and an idiot who never liked you that much anyway. You're better of without him, you had no future together. Besides he's gonna be so ashamed when finding out the girl doesn't exist hahahaha. Neither FYL or YDI fits :D more like, grats to you.