By BetterThanFake - 13/01/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, I made a fake MySpace so that I could flirt with my boyfriend and see what he would do. He ended up dumping me for the fake MySpace girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 421
You deserved it 51 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, technically, you guys are still together.

Orchid_fml 2

are you twelve ? awee it's cute that you're allowed to use the computer .


I've done that too. but luckely he didn't dump me. hahah sorry girl!

strawberryhtty 0

YDI for making a fake myspace in the first place. Serves ur stupid ass right.

100% YDI for many reasons already stated in other comments. OP, take time to mature before you get into another relationship. It will do you a lot of good. Also, figure out why you have such major trust issues. It's not normal.

you shouldn't test people like that. for one it's childish and for another it's messed up.

em7sus 0

That's what happens when you try destructive testing - you end up destroying what you test. Do you like Pina Colada?

wow @ at all these people saying "trust him" 1. most of you are single 2. dont trust your sig other smh. shes most likely a 16 yr old girl dating a 17yr old guy. wtf does that tell you? this isnt her husband majority of males at that age are dicks and was feeling self concious about things. you context clues about things before assuming all this jibberish. idiots.

People like to pretend they didn't act like that when they were that age. Oh, if only.

You people argue on this website like a bunch of 12-year-olds. OP obviously trapped themselves by making their fake identity more appealing to their boyfriend than her actual personality. Boyfriend fails for being fickle, but OP ultimately fails for being the creator of their own FML.