By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 01:24 - United States
Same thing different taste
By BetterThanFake - 13/01/2010 00:03 - United States
By chocolaterabbit - 02/11/2009 12:41 - Australia
Well played
By fmfb - 07/06/2011 23:09 - United States
Fake it til you make it
By Anonymous - 07/06/2023 18:02 - United States - Staten Island
Easy fix
By failure - 13/10/2010 06:18 - Australia
By cupcakemonsteryu - 08/02/2010 05:21 - France
By NinjaWafflesx - 15/12/2011 15:20 - United States
By sounfair90 - 27/05/2009 04:06 - United States
By facebookdeception - 31/10/2014 04:25 - New Zealand - Auckland
Facebook official
By waitthatsnotme - 15/08/2009 00:39 - United States
Top comments
Noob hackz glitchorz
Hacking is NOT typing in common thing for the password.
Touché sir touché
Brock Obama? ^^
Every time on Facebook when someone changes someone's status and says something along the lines of "you've been hacked...I love you!!!1!1!!1
And half my comment is missing.... It should say at the end: I delete them for having dumbass friends.
When will people learn that logging in using their password, and hacking their Facebook account are two very different things?
For some reason that made me laugh
Wow, Keyman, you really threw me off there with your first, "half" comment!
31 sir you cannot call me an idiot as I make good grades. You can say "that was stupid." but I am no idiot.
Sounds harsh, but you kind of deserve it for making a fake girlfriend..
What's so bad about being single anyway? I'm married and I can't help but at times to reminiscence on the "old days" of being carefree and just living life! (And before anyone goes all emo on me, I know being alone/single can be pretty depressing at times).
Well this is just sad.
46- This. Eminem knows what's up
i agree 62. i am happily married, but there are days i would love to go back to when every noght was had the potential to be Girls Night Out.
I'm not married yet, but I haven't been single in a while. I miss it sometimes. On a side note, it would have been high-larious if whoever "hacked" the account had pretended to be the girl. Leaving gushy posts on OP's wall, posting videos of the latest Lady Gaga songs, and raving about her cat. They had great opportunity to **** with OP in a fantastic way, but no.. They just dumped him... Sad...
It was probably obvious it was fake when OP was the account's only friend...
I remember when they first invented chocolate.
Forever alone
Well, it's only until he takes the account and wins the fake girlfriend back
Your pic is hilarious!!!
I can imagine OP's face muchso like my picture, only to be replaced with Okay.jpg or Forever Alone....
YDI, get some confidence and go get a real girlfriend with whom you can set your Facebook status with as "in a relationship". Get em tiger.
You should sell some chocolates >:D heheheheh
Get a guitar. Bitches love guitars.
102- Or toast...bitches love toast
Ydi for being an attention *****
I love your name! I get interesting mental images of a fluffy beard: curly, straight, soft, scruffy?! Who knows! ;)
Off-Topic much?
If you're making a fake FaceBook to be someone you aren't, you don't have a life.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
I don't think this karma whatsoever...saddening for sure. Op join a club or something.
You were away with the fairies. Time to wake up.
13- what are you on? Your comments are trippin!
You on pixie dust? Smells goooddddd ..
Desperation calls for drastic measures.

Forever alone
Sounds harsh, but you kind of deserve it for making a fake girlfriend..