By Scotty - 28/07/2014 10:16 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I met someone who works in radio advertising. Making conversation, I described an ad that I can't stand. He wrote it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 970
You deserved it 9 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would not say you deserved that one, but it is always good to start conversations with talking about something you do like, rather than something you don't like. Good luck

LaColombianita 26

Maybe he'll take your opinion in consideration and try to make a better ad.


Sorry to hear that OP... Better luck next time!

Well that's an ADkward situation. Anybody? Anybody? Ok then

nlm92 15

27 you know what you did...... -_-

incoherentrmblr 21

dont think there's gonna be a next time

I would not say you deserved that one, but it is always good to start conversations with talking about something you do like, rather than something you don't like. Good luck

And try to refrain from using the word "hate" when referring to something you do not like. It's a very strong word to use around people you just met.

TheForgetfulOne 12

It happens to the best of us.

No one really likes ads on the radio anyways, if I were him I wouldn't have taken much offense.

LaColombianita 26

Maybe he'll take your opinion in consideration and try to make a better ad.

Sometimes that's what an advertiser wants. It sounds counter intuitive, but when you remember their ad, for whatever reason, it aides in name recognition.

22 I was just about to say the same matter if you like the ad or hate remember it.has served its purpose

Yeah but there's a difference between remembering something exists and hating an advert so much you immediately black list the company. I have a lot if companies that, whilst I'm not gonna be as petty to never buy from them, they will always be my last choice because they've released such annoying/stupid adverts.

It's an unfortunate situation for sure, but I don't think it's too bad. You're not forced to like his ads just because you're talking with him. I hope you didn't say anything too hateful, though.

"So easy, makes you wanna slap yo momma!" Come on, who *doesn't* hate that one?

I'm sure you're not the first person to hate a radio ad. He's a big boy, he'll get over it. If he can't he's in the wrong business.

FYL. But if someone works in media or advertising, they should realise that there will be criticism at some point and be prepared for it. Hope they didn't take it too badly OP.

i hope he "added" you to his hit list.

Well the advert worked in the sense that you remembered it.

Yes, but when I remember Progressive, I just remember anger and hatred of Flo and how they will never have my business. Ever. Even if they gave out free insurance for their welcome package that also included a Lamborghini. Never ever. So is it really worth being remembered negatively? My anecdotal evidence suggests it's not.

We have this annoying local car accident lawyer with a jingle, "Glen Lerner is the way to go, call 87715-O-O". I can't stand those ads but if I was "in a wreck and needed a check" that would be the first name and number I thought of... I didn't even google that number, it's seared into my brain >.<