By nofatchicks - 12/05/2014 23:49 - United States - Tampa

Today, I nervously flirted with a very cute guy. Being a little overweight, I rarely think cute guys will go for me. This line of thinking was yet again correct when he casually pulled his sleeve up revealing a tattoo of a pinup girl with a "NO FAT CHICKS" sign below it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 801
You deserved it 7 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you wish you had a tat saying "no douche bags allowed"


If he has that tattooed in him he doesn't deserve you flirting with him anyways. No need for a class act like that in anyone's life.

Don't let it get you down. Sounds like the guy was a douche bag of the highest order. You'll find someone who can appreciate you for you!

Raath00 7

If it makes you feel better, I like a lil meat on my women ;) . Don't let some douche knock ya down

sweetestbitcheva 14

You should've slapped him in front of people

rock_stud 9

It sounds like you are insecure about your weight and how the people you want to date will validate you. 1 simple advice, make an effort to look the way you want. Gyms are like $10 a month. Not being rude in any way. Shooting straight. Good luck!

Something my mom always told me was: if somebody else doesn't like your body, why do you care? If YOU don't like your body, Change it. But never for somebody but yourself. I believe in you

z0mBi3kiTTy 18

I guess no getting milked like a cow for you