By broke_kid - 03/01/2010 13:18 - United States

Today, I noticed white stuff in my colored clothes as I transferred them from the washer to the dryer. That's when I realized that the white stuff is my paycheck which I had put in my pants earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 147
You deserved it 15 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So ask your work to stop payment on the cheque and issue another....?

blland 0

I made this face :O for like, 10 seconds, making the sounds of "AWWWW. AWWWWW."


YDI for not being more responsible with your money. but sorry ):

  I did that one time with some winning scratcher tickets... I was so mad at myself.

they'll cut you a new check. make sure you bring the remains of the check in to work with you

That'll teach you not to check for your cheque. Oh yes.

didn't your mother teach you how to check your pockets of your pants before you put them in the washing machine? YDI

you deserve should have put it in your bag or wallet or somethin cuz look what happened now?!

#9 it's a pay check. #11 maybe they don't want direct deposit or have a bank account. @op just have your work write you a new check. it's a hassle but they'll do it.

IF they dident have a bank account they would have slight issues accepting a check as well as they wouldent be able to cash it

Malinkrot 3

no, Walmart and Amscot can cash checks from a workplace, you just have to pay a fee.

starberries 0

Yes they would be able to cash it. Don't post such ignorant shit.

ydi you shoul have checked ur pockets before washing ur pants :(

murphy22 6

hey, at least you can get that replaced, i've done that too lol