Hot headed

By Anonymous - 27/06/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, during an argument with my fiancé, I threw my engagement ring on the ground. The center stone broke off. Now he's couch surfing, and has sworn that he won't marry me unless I can find the stone. One stupid moment might actually ruin my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63
You deserved it 1 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not how you should argue. You really need to treat your man with more respect or you'll lose him. Good on him for holding you accountable for your tantrum.

You don't deserve it, the ring that is.


You don't deserve it, the ring that is.

That's not how you should argue. You really need to treat your man with more respect or you'll lose him. Good on him for holding you accountable for your tantrum.

I'm guessing the ring was simply the last straw.

If you actually want to marry him but you are playing stupid games like throwing his ring away, the ring that he brought with hard earned money and that is a token of his love for you, then you are just a spoiled and manipulative child and he would do well to go look for someone better. I hope he reads this.

I doubt this was your only stupid moment.