By EllieJ - 23/03/2011 15:22

Today, I opened a cupboard and a brick fell on my head. The same brick my mum put up there to "keep it out of the way". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 955
You deserved it 4 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why exactly would you store your bricks indoors?

Evii_fml 5

Hahahaha I'm sorry but that's hilarious! Hope you're okay! =)


CaitShyn 0
TraceCase_ 19

My Ma is pretty much a hoarder so it wouldn't surprise me if a brick fell outta the cupboard. I totally understand and feel for ya. Waaaaiit a minute, **** MY life!!! Ahh, FAIL

MadeToCommentOnT 0

Shit, that would've hurt. Why is there a brick in the cupboard? Can't you out it in the shed or something? o.o

xSnow 0

Whyy on earth would your mom think the best place to put a brick would be in a cupboard? That's an accident waiting to happen! Lol.

LadyLazarus 0

Who puts a brick in a cupboard!? Haha

Why was your head in the way of the brick? It was clearly scared of heights and wanted down.