By Lorus - 23/08/2011 07:30 - United States

Today, I passed a kidney stone. This is the third one in two years. I'm only 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 821
You deserved it 5 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Joshoa123 16


LemonLolly 10

When I was 15, I got kidney stones. Only mine broke before i passed them.

truthbringer007 6

I've been having kidney stones since I was 15. Cry me a river!

Stop drinking pop. I started drinking water and have had no problems since.

ajo123 16

I've had 4 in the last year. I'm only 17, your argument is invalid

ajo123 16

I had 4 in less than a year... I was only 17

I've had three in two years. I'm only 17

U have it better then me. I'm 16, male, and have had over 12 in 3 years. It's honestly not fun

bleedingglitter 24

I had 2 in one week and I'm 22. I gave up dark sodas years ago and I gave up caffeine for my pregnancy. Stop taking tums though.

ChaCha339 10

I was born with a bad kidney & had passed 4 stones by the time I was 17, I understand your pain. Drink a lot more water & take cranberry pills. :)