By BadKneeBackAndSinuses - 23/09/2018 15:30

Today, I found out I have to have an operation. This will be the third in 3 years, all for completely unrelated reasons. I'm only 26 and apparently my body is already falling apart at the seams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 828
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can relate... bad back, bad veins, and more. I’m not even 30. Still, we find a way to deal.

LostInTheZone11 29

25 total here. My body looks like it got mauled by a propeller.


I can relate... bad back, bad veins, and more. I’m not even 30. Still, we find a way to deal.

zhawk316 5

Your body may be telling you to change something.

blightsight 10

Sounds like my 2011 car. Everything seems to be breaking down.

I can relate I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. They seemed totally unconnected but they are. It sucks. But do the best you can. And stay on it. Log everything from GI issues, allergies, headaches, and muscular skeletal issues. They very well be a piece of the puzzle. I didn’t get diagnosed for 29 years and I was born with it.

I live with someone who has Ehlers Danlos. It's like it effects every single part of her body. I hope you don't feel too much pain and it all gets managed.

sparx1_1 12

By the time I was 26 I'd had over a dozen various procedures and surgeries. All for different completely unrelated issues. Your body isn't falling apart - we just live in a world where physical issues can be resolved easily with simple surgeries. Better than living with unnecessary pain.

You can be like the million dollar man.. except maybe for 40 dollars.

Know the feeling! I had to take 12 shots a week as a kid! Yes you read it correctly TWELVE! I was operated three times by the age of 13

Emma Marshall 19

I guess Dr. Frankenstein did a really bad job when he created you.

LostInTheZone11 29

25 total here. My body looks like it got mauled by a propeller.