By OysterPearls - 25/02/2014 03:04 - United States - Carson

Today, I performed in a rendition of Jesus Christ Superstar at my school. When it came time for my big solo, a whopping two lines, I forgot the words, making for an awkward eight seconds of silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 642
You deserved it 9 722

OysterPearls tells us more.

Hi, OP here! We had two flawless performances before this one, and several rehearsals before that. So no, I was not unprepared in the least. I think the problem came from the lack of sleep I had before this specific performance, because; with my luck, I happened to catch a cold the night before. Thanks for the positive comments, I feel like posting this has helped me overcome the embarrassment by giving me the opportunity to laugh at my own plight! :)

Top comments

Funny how nobody seems to know that Jesus Christ Superstar is actually a musical. Like Cats or Starlight express.


if it ever happens again, fake an injury. it works for million dollar athletes, why not you?

Funny how nobody seems to know that Jesus Christ Superstar is actually a musical. Like Cats or Starlight express.

What the **** is Jesus Christ Superstar sounds like Michael Jordan's the son of God.

The 2 lines you will never forget again, sorry op

Sorry that that happened. FYL Indeed, hope the stage fright doesn't happen again in the future!

I forgot my entire routine in a skating competition once, it happens unfortunately :(

At least you weren't supposed to perform a soliloquy.