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By CarolinaD - 23/10/2009 14:06 - United States

Today, my son's teacher told me that I should take my son to the doctor, because he has been complaining of bad headaches. They ran some tests, and then removed a peanut that's apparently been lodged in his nose for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 105
You deserved it 5 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

letitbe56 0

How old is this son? Always include an age--I was picturing him as 12 or so until the last line when I realized this is probably preschool. And why was the teacher the first to notice that he had been complaining for months about headaches?

So your son won the "who can shove a peanut the farthest up their nose" game?


I'm a total moron, just... throwing it out there. My therapist made me do it. :'I

I'd like to know that as well. In no way is this a FML for the OP, if anything it's a FML for the kid. I also agree with #8. You should have been the first one to notice it, not the teacher. You suck as a parent.

This is deff not a fhislife. The kid had the shit up his nose for months and didnt think to say anything. I mean cmon. Its common sense. Hey!, I have a freakin peanut up my nose, help. OP is a horrible parent for noticing it for months.

AA357 0

YDI for making him go to school. Holy ****, parents these days.

I had a crayon bit lodged in my ear for a couple months, didn't tell my parents because it was hella embarrassing and didnt want to get in trouble.

I thinks it's an FML because the mother could have been really worried that her son had been getting head aces and then to fine out there had been food up there! she would have been mad. It's an FML because she is really stressed and worried about her son. If you guys read the Commenting Policy you will know not to comment saying thing like this is not an FML or this is not FML worthy.

Igor_g5 0

Months? And you didn't know something was wrong?

Exactly! His teacher had to inform you? Good parenting skills. smh

Ydi for being a bad mother This isn't a fml, maybe fhl

Months? Seriously? How do you know how long it's been? This isn't an "FML", it's a "you're a really bad parent". Take some classes or something before the kid does something that will kill him. sane parent would obsessively look up their children's noses. If they saw it happen, that's one thing but obviously the OP didn't.

So your son won the "who can shove a peanut the farthest up their nose" game?

letitbe56 0

How old is this son? Always include an age--I was picturing him as 12 or so until the last line when I realized this is probably preschool. And why was the teacher the first to notice that he had been complaining for months about headaches?

Problem is solved, everything is good, not an FML.

AndreaHatesYou1 0