By Yum - 03/12/2008 07:26 - France

Today, I realised that the steamy photos that I took with my ex a few months ago had not been erased from his father's camera. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 943
You deserved it 19 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Herbal_fml 0

Why would you use his father's camera?!

little_musician 0

What the hell were you doing using his FATHER'S CAMERA!?!?


the first couple times I read this I thought it said steamy potatoes

At #13. it is correctly spelled REALIZED not realised.

brekab8 14

That's so weird but then again YDI for not having your own least use your phones!

2016, 8 years later, still at 14 comments...