By Rainbow_Rhinos - 28/11/2015 07:17 - Australia

Today, I realised there's a reason that no one talks to the weird guy from choir practice. I was nice to him a couple weeks ago and now he won't stop following me around the school and watching my group at lunch from behind a pole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 467
You deserved it 2 052

Rainbow_Rhinos tells us more.

OP here. My friends and I checked him out and he has a history of doing the same thing to girls in his own grade (he's a year below me). He bugs them online and invites himself into their lunch group, as well as watching from behind poles. He isn't very physically threatening, so no one sees him as a threat, but more of an annoyance. And very creepy. I'm not rude to him, but I don't want to encourage the behaviour so I just ignore it. When he comes over to our group we start talking loudly about bras or tampons and he wanders away soon enough.

Top comments

The thing is, he's not gonna stop because he probably doesn't realise how creepy he looks. You should tell him once and for all, in a kind way, that the way he acts is a problem for you and your friends. It might hurt him on the moment, but it will be better for him on the long term. Hopefully, he will not act like that anymore with you or with other girls. I'm saying that because i was "that weird guy" some times ago (I have autism), and realising it allowed me to work on my behaviour.

Now's your chance to test your spy skills, stalk him back, REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY


he may just not understand social cues like Sheldon.... but if he continues to follow you and creepily watch you...I'd recommend telling somebody about it

fumanshu 9

Invite him to eat lunch with you.