By Moosie - 01/06/2017 13:53
Moosie11 tells us more.
How great it was to read ( most ) of the responses. Because of the situation I can't tell anyone but really needed some feedback. Glad I remembered this site, I was going nuts.
Top comments
"pedophile"? If you think someone being attracted to a 22 year old is pedophilia then you must have a very distorted Idea as to what that word actually means. If she was attracted to a 9 year old then THAT would be pedophilia, a pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, anyone who isn't long past puberty by the time they hit 22 should see a doctor.
"pedophile"? If you think someone being attracted to a 22 year old is pedophilia then you must have a very distorted Idea as to what that word actually means. If she was attracted to a 9 year old then THAT would be pedophilia, a pedophile is attracted to prepubescent children, anyone who isn't long past puberty by the time they hit 22 should see a doctor.
At those ages you really shouldn't be on the same page. it wouldn't speak well of your maturity. I've been the much younger woman. if it's just my opinion still gross even if it's legal. you could be her grandfather.
OP- Good on you for still being human! Enjoy the crush, bring your passion home to your husband, and live a great life!
All I'm gonna say is I'm currently dating someone 28 years my senior. We've only been together for 1.5 years so far but I'm very happy in this relationship and I can't stand when people judge us simply based on the age difference! If people had a legitimate concern that wasn't tied to these silly numbers I would actually listen and give it consideration but so far that hasn't happened...
Lol you have nothing to worry about. my now Ex was around your age and I was 21 when we dated. you should be proud :D
It's legal. These things happen. As always with these FML's more information is always needed when it comes to making an informed comment :) I've had the opposite for the last few years. Fancying a much older women. You never know who you're going to crush on I guess.
Because you're a cougar