By loneliness - 30/12/2010 05:48 - United States

Today, I realized I want school to start again so that I won't be sitting alone in my room all day anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 122
You deserved it 7 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why not go outside? You'll still be alone all day. I can help you change location, but I cannot change time not can I keep you from being unbearable to be with. Go to school where the teachers are paid to be there with you, and your classmates are forced against their will to go.


it's not that easy, espeially when the goverment taxes the heck out of it.

What with still being in school and likely not having a job--a reasonable assumption--it doesn't seem to me that the OP (this means Original Poster) is being taxed too heavily. ... All in all, boring FML posted by a boring person. Let's hope somebody mentions abortion or the Ground Zero mosque, maybe causing a ruckus that way. Also, You Deserve It (YDI), fatty.

It is that easy. If you use facebook, xbox or any social media talk to your friends or request friends in your area and then ask them to chill. If you have no access to social media, you're lying because you're here, go outside. go see a movie in a genre you like and then talk to a stranger, go up to someone wearing a shirt or something you like and say hi. Or just make conversation with everyone, someone is bound to say something positive back.

FriendlyFires 0

Gyuh huh. I don't know which of you three wrote...wait, maybe you're just one stupid person with three stupid heads, sort of Aeropostale's own Cerberus.

gocutler88 0

agree with ur comment 100 percent

I hate lame fmls like this where the person basically says "I have no life FML"

**** you bitch, you Arabic ****!!! stay out of our country and off our social network sites you homegrown terrorist

lol32360 0

ya the op should like go see a movie or go shopping lol :P

vanilla2u 5
Leatherandlace 0

Try not being an ass about it.

FFML_314 11

Get a gerbil. Just don't rape it or torture it.

x_missystaceey 0
ohthebloodygore 16
FFML_314 11

You totally agree that I have problems or that OP should get a gerbil? You guys must be fairly new or not quite used to my twisted complex and crude sense of humor. Well, here's a useful tip, get over it.

I agree that u have a crude sense of "humor" 0-0

I sure hope that cat doesn't give you toxoplasmosis. It'd be a real shame, what with your sparkling personality.

FFML_314 11

you are weird who in there right mind would ever think of raping a gerbil?

Vasin_fml 15

C'mon everybody knows gerbils are huge *****.

FFML_314 11

I guess working with sex offenders will put odd thoughts in your head. You'd be surprised at how many people /would/ rape a gerbil.

FFML_314 11

You know that, because it's you, isn't it? Wait, does that make me racist?

"You are weird; who in their right mind would rape a gerbil?" That's called punctuation!

wow u racist ur saying that 5 billion people are Asian (which is true but still)

FFML_314 11

I am because I'm not as smart as you are , one day you will understand that a lack of intelligence is what causes people to be racist. Goodbye

FFML_314 11

LOL! You are so stuck on me being racist it's hilarious. I'm not racist. Truth is, I hate most people.

First, I would never rape a gerbil, I would buy it dinner first. Second, no one said anything racist. Racist would be Asians have sex with gerbils because they murder all women born in their countries at birth.

FFML_314 11

LOL, that would most definitely be racist. Gerbils prefer you to buy lunch. It's a culture thing, I think.

perdix 29

You can't rape a gerbil -- they're just asking for it.

Reading this thread caused my testosterone production to plummet and my IQ to drop 8 points. Raping gerbils?? What the **** is wrong with you people? Chinchillas are much softer.

fthku 13

So DON'T sit in your room all day. How is whining about something that you do yourself an FML.

Sweej 1

I agree 100%, but I think the principle of the matter is that he/she is lonely all day, has nothing to do, and needs some friends.

Why don't you get a hobby? Find something you like, get started and before you know it you won't have enough time in the day.

RookiePyro 0

this is the second time this week an fml has explained my situation

School's alot better if you know where to go.

perdix 29

Why not go outside? You'll still be alone all day. I can help you change location, but I cannot change time not can I keep you from being unbearable to be with. Go to school where the teachers are paid to be there with you, and your classmates are forced against their will to go.

great idea. it's that or go to the gym, get a tan, do some laundry, go to a club, and smush