Beware what you wish for

By germified - 08/09/2021 17:01

Today, my kids and I have been ecstatic about them being back in school. After a year on Zoom, they couldn’t wait to get back into the classroom because every day they bring home something new and interesting. This time, they brought home a cold so bad it’s knocked me flat on my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 955
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better pray it's only a cold and not COVID-19.

JillianJuneBug 39

-insert easy joke about COVID here-


JillianJuneBug 39

-insert easy joke about COVID here-

Better pray it's only a cold and not COVID-19.

Yummi_913 18

If it's not covid, it could be RSV. It's been circulating like a ************. Get tested. Its a friendlier nose swab than the covid one.

xxlk4xx 6

my daughter's grade 1 class is already in quarantine after only the second day of school 🙃 someone sent their kid to school while waiting for results and basically ****** it up for the rest of us instead of just keeping them home! hope you feel better!

I hope you all got tested for COVID and recovered quickly.