By bubbashrek - 28/08/2011 04:06 - United States

Today, I realized my soon to be ex wife is stalking me online. Everytime I block her she creates a new profile. She left me 9 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 674
You deserved it 2 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post your next status as, 'Wow, seems [ex's name] has created yet another new profile. Very sad. Wonder if she's ever going to just move on.'

addie19 6

you can change your security settings so no one can find you with a public search.


Um, tell your attorney to tell her attorney to tell her to stop?

If it's on Facebook, you can report her. At the very least, she can be kicked off Facebook because creating multiple accounts is against the TOS.

Post pictures with a ton of super hot chicks and write statuses about them. Make her not want to stalk you. Make her jealous if she is. :)

Mke hr stalk him more with revenge in mind??

Find a smoking hot chick on facebook, pay her $10 to be in a fb relationship with you for two days, and watch the stalking stop and jealousy start.

If you edited your privacy settings so she can't see anything you do there will be no point in cyber stalking you.

Trust me Bro it never gets any better. Mine still stalks me and she left nearly three years ago. She even had the nerve to file a restraining order on ME. As a wise man once said, "Bitches be crazy."

Easy fix...log off or deactivate your profile. It's annoying people think FB is needed in order to survive

Regardless of what social network site ure on, u can always change ur privacy settings so randoms can't add u unless u like accepting strangers as "friends".