By anonymous - 18/02/2012 22:07 - United States

Today, I realized that with all the money I've spent on repairs for my iPhone through the months, I could have bought a phone that doesn't die horribly whenever I so much as give it a mean look. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 689
You deserved it 26 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get it. I dropped mine off a second story balcony. Scratched, some screen cracks, but it still worked. Do you like throw yours into the fiery pita of hell?

Then what would happen if you THREW IT ON THE GROUND! I'M AN ADULT!


never had a problem with my iPhone and both my 3 y/o AND my 5 y/o plays with it and they break everything. maybe u got a lemon, it does happen sometimes.

Xquisite1 28

Android!!!!!! **** all the assholes who want to thumb down ANDROID ANDROID ANDROID ANDROID ANDROID ANDROID...........

This is why you buy an Android and not an ishit