By LadyGore - 19/02/2012 15:30 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By sammarli530 - 29/05/2013 16:24 - United States - New Lenox
By hunter168647 - 02/07/2011 05:50 - United States
By eagerbeaver - 03/09/2009 04:37 - United States
By phoneless - 17/04/2012 19:23 - Jordan
By bummed and broke - 13/11/2012 18:24 - United States
By anonymous - 18/02/2012 22:07 - United States
Mr Butterfingers
By Anonymous - 25/03/2024 19:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 17/05/2009 19:49 - United States
Precision strike
By Anonymous - 08/06/2024 06:00 - France - Toulouse
By Anonymous - 24/01/2023 13:00 - United States - Hillsboro
Top comments
That happened to mine as well. I took off the cover, and dropped it only to have the back cover glass break... So I'll rather have a scratched iPhone than a broken iPhone!
Oh the irony
Mine has like 100s of scratches on the back, front doesnt have a single scratch. Don't see the point of the case unless you have a new generation double sided touchscreen...
I've had one for over two years, no cover or screen. But I've never dropped mine on a hard surface without me catching it for or sticking out my foot so it breaks the fall.
Correction your IPod right?
I hope you learned that you must buy the Otter Box :) they work well. Sadly the ones for the iPhone 4 an 4s, aren't as water proof as the 3GS. :(
It's called a joke
The Commuter Otter Boxes are a joke. The Defender is pretty awesome though.
I thinks it's worth investing in a case for your IPod/iPhone. I have a 64GB 4th Generation iPod Touch I also have the Otter-Box Defender series case for it, its saved my iPod more than once since I work at Mcdonalds, lol.
How do u "accidentally" run over ur phone?
130, can you please share what type of case it was? :)
Sometimes it's just not worth it.
First world problems at its finest.
It's ironic
That's why I like to go overseas and get like two cases for AUD $5 instead of 40... great cases
57, you either pay shopping and handling or you pay for tickets.
Resisting the scratches is futile!!!
It's in the case anyway, why does it matter if it gets scratched?
thats probably because like alot of stupid people you bought the plastic crap that dont do anything.
Why would you spend $40 on a case? They sell good covers for $10-$20 each... Oh well~!
Mophies are better -personal opinion.
My phone been thrown around and dropped alot go otter box
I have a zCover that I got for under $20... I drop my phone and it bounces amusingly and doesn't take damage...
3- I think your "l" jizzed on your exclamation point.
My Speck:Candyshell does enough for me. I find no need for those overly expensive pieces of rubber/plastic.
Yea except I went on eBay and found a $5 knock off otter box that had no brand. I've dropped it multiple times and it hasn't broke, besides the built in kick stand
I've had that happen
A protective case that scratches your phone. Oh the irony!
"Why is life so ironic?!"
59 - what?
76 - condone.
Or condemn :p
Idiot. I've had an otterbox ever since I got my iPhone. Absolutely nothing has happened to my phone. You can't blame it when you're not careful. Go ahead, thumb me down. Idc.
#162, just because you're not careful doesn't make you an idiot, and either way, OP never said it was an OtterBox.
Not your fault you were just stupid not to ask what's better
Oh trust me, you're just scratching the surface of all the problems there are with iPhone screens
Hahaha your punny!
Scratches aren't even a big just buy a case so the screen doesn't crack
If you treat your phone like a tank. Treat like it is brand new and it will survive for years.
Yeah the commuter is awesome.
Irony can be a Bit**! Haha but really who cares Ur gunna get it scratched eventually anyway! All that matters is it still works like new!!!
*bitch, *you're, *gonna/ going to, and multiple exclamation points make you sound 12.
Ahhh grammar nazi's.
#75- no one really likes u. U obviously have no friends and Ur sex life has yet to make a mark on Ur timeline. This isn't grammar school, ppl use text grammar and ppl understand just fine. Have fun being lame and jerking off to gay **** in Ur dark room while Ur mom tries not to hear in the other room ;)

Because getting a new iPhone is so much cheaper.
Protection is over rated, just ask your mom