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By Anonymous - 25/07/2018 03:00 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I got home from work and got to sleep around 4am. My mother decided it was a good idea to wake me up at 5am and tell me I have to look out for my sibling's package. I can't get back to sleep and I have to start work again at 10am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 403
You deserved it 255

Top comments

Jeez... what kind of job do you have? I've never known anyone to have such a small break between shifts.

Just call in sick. It's time to have a severe case of headache and vomiting.


Jeez... what kind of job do you have? I've never known anyone to have such a small break between shifts.

John Croasdell 4

You must be a 9-5er. This happens routinely in all those 24/7 fields.

That would be why I asked my question. Also, I don't work 9-5. I work the graveyard shift.

Many places have legal minimum time between shifts (in Alberta, you are required to have 8 consecutive hours off between).

Construction? or more likely resturaunt

Construction? or more likely resturaunt

Construction? Or more likely resturaunt

FishyFishy 12

Well it is National Tequila Day, maybe your work will make an exception!

Just call in sick. It's time to have a severe case of headache and vomiting.

Gross! You shouldn’t have to look at your sibling’s package — that’s incestuous!!

Hooray for living in a country with regulations granting a minimal sleeping period between shifts. You also seem to have a shitty mother.

dreamkeeper85 4

If you can't fall back asleep then you're not tired enough

Emma Marshall 19

That would not even be legal