By jcstpierre - 24/04/2009 10:41 - United States

Today, I received a mass email from my boss saying we had a position open at the daycare I work at. I knew my boyfriend was looking for a job so I insisted he apply. Later at work, my boss takes me into her office and tells me my employment is being "terminated". My boyfriend is replacing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 581
You deserved it 5 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least the income will still be coming in to one of you, instead of to a complete stranger. You would've been fired no matter what, better it be your boyfriend replacing you.

Well now it's your turn to just sit on the couch all day and play xbox, while HE is paying rent and working.


laughatu 0
davek 36

Over here I think that would be illegal. Unless you were fired for a legit reason like misconduct.

#38 she was obviously getting fired proabbly because she's fat and lazy when it comes to her job and hygiene. so fat chance that she is gonna clean and cook, well maybe cook haha

considering the position was open BEFORE you got fired, it almost sounds like she wants to spend some time with your bf, without you ever being around

I can't believe he said yes. That is some horrible betrayal.

I don't think I would have taken the job if I were in his position, but least one of you have a job!!

xxWTFxx1981 23

Well someone was going to take your job mine as well be him... You obviously were the target for the new job posting.