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By hellbound - 12/07/2013 16:35 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I received a text from my dad, which was borderline-incomprehensible due to an insane amount of text language. I replied, jokingly asked if he had a stroke while writing it. A few seconds after hitting send, I remembered the stroke he suffered last month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 761
You deserved it 54 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How could you forget something like that?

I guess you're just having a stroke of bad luck. *ba dum tss*


Perhaps he didn't think it was a joke and actually thought it was a sincere question. Unless of course you ended your message with "LOL"

Wizardo 33

Yeah hopefully OPs dad can shrug it off, hope he's on the road to recovery though.

RedPillSucks 31

Or he thinks LOL is "Lots of love"

I guess you're just having a stroke of bad luck. *ba dum tss*

How could you forget something like that?

Easy, OP's dad may have played it off. I know I would...

graceinsheepwear 33

You can't really play off a stroke. At least not while your words are slurred.

Usually that's the type of thing you can't forget.

I'm betting OP never really accepted it in the first place. Dad got on with it so OP found it easy to slip back into the day to day and never really faced and dealt with the issue. That's the only explanation I can think of.

Yea I've seen many people who were havin a stroke. there's no fakin it.

#35 Or OP was so distraught about it that s/he blocked it out of his/her memory, and asking that question suddenly "un-severred" the tie in his/her memory a little too late?

There's a difference between forgetting something happened, and not remembering that something you said is directly relevant to the event that happened. I'm pretty sure the OP didn't literally forget that her dad had a stroke. Just had a foot in mouth (finger?) moment remembering that that joke isn't appropriate for her dad.

And the daughter-of-the-year goes to...!

Especially when it's about your father.

Are you serious? You sound like a self-centered douche

Jelbeztok 17

what makes op self-centered?

Because he forgot his dad had a stroke!!

SystemofaBlink41 27

She could've been a fast typer and remembered the exact time she pressed sent...

yeah that makes sense, a guy doesn't have perfect memory so he's a self-centered douche

Forgetting that someone you love had a stroke? That sounds pretty self centered to me. You don't just forget something like that unless you didn't really care all that much about it in the first place

Obviously you don't know how the male mind works.

I couldn't replace my previous post, so here is a second: have you ever instinctively said "what?" in a conversation and then realised what they had said anyway? The FML is a bit like that.

Ali_Br_fml 33

sometimes I really don't know what the person said, and I really mean "what?" and a few seconds I realize what was my ears didn't catch up to my brain & mouth or something, but when I think about it, I hear it properly in my head. on to OP's situation...Just because you momentarily forget doesn't mean you don't care. you're so caught up in the heat of the moment that all else goes on the backburner. Maybe OP doesn't live with their dad, and didn't actually hear about it until he was better. Some parents don't tell their kids that type of stuff. Maybe he downplayed it when he told OP, and shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. If you experience something, it's burned into your memory more than when someone just tells you. If OP wasn't sitting there praying for their father to get better, maybe it wasn't burned deeply enough into their memory to be recalled each time they talk to their dad... I've never seen a person having a stroke though, so I don't know how traumatic it is, or how long one stays in the hospital afterwards... it could have been a mini stroke...

How can you forget such a life-threatening occurance?

BillyJones 4

make it up to him by stroking his back.

olpally 32

GO HELP HIM YA DICK! Jesus. How do you forget about your father having a stroke last month? :/ **** his life.

graceinsheepwear 33
olpally 32

Well, your life must be interesting OP. interesting enough to forget something like a stroke.

you forgot????? well ydi you're inconsiderate and insensitive

funky2525 14

Its ok OP, you didn't mean to.

Laurenluvz 11

Exactly. Mistakes happen. No matter how big it is, it's still kind of reasonable to forget. Maybe it was a bit traumatizing for OP and She wanted to forget it. We really don't know more than the fact that OP forgot about a big issue at the wrong time.