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By oh my dad - 13/02/2013 16:45 - United States - Florence

Today, I had to convince my dad that text lingo causes brain damage just to try to get him to stop. He actually believed me, and is telling everyone they have, or will receive brain damage soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 349
You deserved it 28 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

OMG, I LOL'd and then I had to STFU and CTFD. I guess YOLO and mine is almost over. S2BM (sucks to be me, just made that 1 up :) )


Well it IS arguable that texting and the Internet have caused the downward spiral of the English language. So op does have a point, just in a different way than intended.

cptmorgan6 8

I hope, for your sake, the apple fell far from the tree.

Darkmagic666 9
perdix 29

OMG, I LOL'd and then I had to STFU and CTFD. I guess YOLO and mine is almost over. S2BM (sucks to be me, just made that 1 up :) )

Damn Predix you gave me brain damage with that comment. Your goinkogxbihscnkf. Kc jhcvjmcdx n

10, you may want to get a second opinion on that.

perdix 29

#26, wouldn't that be "urself," if we are going for complete consistency ;) ? I <3 emoticons! They often can make it clear when someone is joking or otherwise clarify the writer's intention more than plain text ever could.

Bgrukncsdd(6,$$'fdcchdxb Fihhsejzegvlpi)7,:

asnakelovinbabe 16

KCAFS. It means keep calm and feed snakes. It's my life story. In five letters.

I came to a conclusion #58 I'm not sure how I figured it out, but you love snakes huh?

I straight up read that as 'sucks to be me'. I need to get off my phone.

I hope his gullibility, for lack of a harsher word, isn't hereditary.

RealTalk0 7

That's why you don't mess with gullible people..sometimes it doesn't turn out the way you planned..

I still tell some people that the original Power Rangers were all girls except for the pink one and that he was gay. It's quite amusing.

seansbro56 10
erockinthesuburb 17

I really wish that this was the truth. With some people you need a decoder ring out of a Cracker Jack box to decipher what they're trying to say.

Have you tried dangling something shiny in front of him to see if it des tracts him?