By meesh22 - 06/10/2009 04:16 - United States

Today, I received an email from my professor informing me that if I missed another class, I'd be dropped from the course. I have field experience to complete tomorrow as part of my major. I emailed her two weeks ago to let her know, and we're excused by the dean. She doesn't care. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 098
You deserved it 7 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've encountered similar situations before. Your professor can't drop you from the class, or penalize your grade, for an excused absence. Speak with someone higher up, such as the Dean. Professors can't rewrite the rules.

Your professor will care when you bring it to the dean's attention that a professor is going against him/her. The professor has the right to do what they want especially if it's stated in the syllabus but if you have permission from the dean...dean trumps professor.


At least you have prove and can go to the examcommission with it.

barbiegirl491 1

well your professor is a bitch

PrimeStarscream 30

You should have paid attention in class.

raithex 0

If you're excused by the dean, then why does it matter? Can't he/she put you back into the class?

it says that shes been out for two weeks and in a week you could have 1 or more days that you have a certain class, meaning OP must have missed more than 1 day of class. had to make an account just to explain how that works to the stupid people..

lexiepullen 7

Learn to go to class. It's not that difficult. Then when you need to miss class your professors won't mind.

roachan 4

The rest of the comments saying YDI, you don't know anything about the circumstances. I am not in college but there are many other reasons for missing/class school other than 'blowing it off'. We do not know how many other classes she missed or for what reasons. For all we know, she could've gotten the flu or something unavoidable where she couldn't come to classes. We also don't know the professor's policy for missing classes. On the other hand, I obviously can't say she wasn't missing classes for silly reasons (Such as being lazy, tired etc). There's not enough information about her situation in order to say YDI or not.

Things overlap it happens...she should let it go...if not things should work toward your favor...

Maybe if you had not missed classes prior to this it wouldn't be a problem. You couldn't have had to do field work every class.