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By crb25453 - 15/10/2015 05:07 - United States - Stafford

Today, I drove to my college campus for my 8 a.m. class, parked, walked the mile and a half to my classroom, just to find out class had been cancelled. The prof didn't send an email because she couldn't remember her password. I paid $1200 to be taught by this woman, who has a doctorate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 815
You deserved it 2 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you are any smarter.

I'm sorry, OP. It's frustrating when professors don't make a way communicate things like that. Especially for an early morning class! Hopefully she'll learn from this experience and write down her email password, or make the password "password"... or something. Haha.


Why do people down-vote responses like this?

Because they are thoughtless reactions that in no way contribute to an actual discussion. It's annoying and frankly makes me imagine a 12 year old writing it just because they're bored in class.

I'm sorry, OP. It's frustrating when professors don't make a way communicate things like that. Especially for an early morning class! Hopefully she'll learn from this experience and write down her email password, or make the password "password"... or something. Haha.

I don't know why the prof didn't call the university IT or even someone in her department to send out an email blast (or at least IT could help her retrieve her password). Surely there is someone on campus who could do that.

What you do is ask what her password is after she resets it, and then leave sticky notes all over her classroom and car. She'll never forget again.

KVKdragon 26

That teacher really should consider downloading an app to save all her passwords and lock them if getting locked out of her email affects people such as yourself, OP

countryb_cth 38

She would probably forget that password too.

Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you are any smarter.

I'm sure OPs prof is smart in her subject area (let's just hope her doctorate isn't in computer sciences). I had a lot of profs who were incredibly brilliant in their field, but lacked common sense. I had a logic professor who could never figure out how the campus self-serve fro yo bar worked.... It was quite the spectacle watching him. Inevitably, someone would step up and help him out.

Yeah, one degree probably doesn't make you any smarter. Two or three is a different issue. "having a degree doesn't make you smarter" is a nice catchphrase but that doesn't capture the entire picture, and allows people to dismiss academia as if anyone can get a doctorate. People forget things. It's not something restricted to dumb people.

I'm taking the unpopular opinion here and saying it can work vice versa- just because you aren't the brightest with technology doesn't necessarily make you any less qualified. I've had great teachers in the past who taught well but were just a little slow tech-wise.

nicole1765 14

Why? Then you are just making someone else's day worse by doing that. It is the professor's fault, not the TA's.

And the downsides: 1) losing out on getting some extra sleep. 2) you now have to either make up that work yourself or have your prof speed through later material