By meesh22 - 06/10/2009 04:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
Extenuating circumstances
By No diploma - 05/02/2022 17:59
By Anonymous - 02/09/2013 05:14 - United States - Asheboro
Cruel world
By where’s the humanity? - 21/02/2022 03:00 - United States
By myl1f3isfuct - 11/07/2013 00:15 - United States
By Fuck off, teacher - 17/03/2024 06:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/09/2019 16:03
I can't hear myself think in here
By Anonymous - 06/10/2022 08:30
By goodstudent - 20/06/2009 23:20 - United States
By crb25453 - 15/10/2015 05:07 - United States - Stafford
Self sabotage
By Anonymous - 27/04/2024 15:00 - United States - Normal
Top comments
Print out the Email. Print or copy the Deans excuse. Take them to your advisor. Use your big, sad puppy-dog eyes and tell them the big, mean professor is raggin on you.
wow where do you go to school? I've never gotten an email warning like that. consider yourself lucky in that aspect. but if you're excuses by the dean you're fine. the dean overpowers your prof.
YDI for not showing up to class so much that it's gotten to this point.
FYL for having to deal with a shitty professor, but just go over his/her head. You already are excused by the Dean, the Dean overrides her/him, so you're in the clear. If she tries to kick you out, go to the Dean again and you'll be fine. It doesn't matter what the professor says when his/her superior gave you permission.
I knew a guy who was in a similar situation: we were allowed 5 absences, and he blew off class five times. Then his aunt died, and when he went crying to the professor for time off for the funeral, she told him basically that he'd made his bed, and to lie in it--he lost a letter grade. I think she was right to do it. YDI if those previous absences weren't absolutely necessary.
I'm thinking you totally deserve it. You have prior absences, and I'm guessing those weren't excused, and you knew you had your field experience coming up, so you really should have gone to class. I've had 4.5 hours of sleep over the past three days, and I still dragged my ass to my 9:30am class. You just gotta suck it up and go. So yeah, you really deserve it, unless all those other absences were ALSO part of this field experience thing, in which case FYL, that sucks so bad. In THAT case, it'd be totally reasonable for you to be really pissed.
YDI you shouldnt have missed class before, and you wouldnt be in that situation

I've encountered similar situations before. Your professor can't drop you from the class, or penalize your grade, for an excused absence. Speak with someone higher up, such as the Dean. Professors can't rewrite the rules.
Your professor will care when you bring it to the dean's attention that a professor is going against him/her. The professor has the right to do what they want especially if it's stated in the syllabus but if you have permission from the dean...dean trumps professor.