By ThreeTimesUnlucky - 17/10/2012 18:52 - South Africa - Edenvale

Today, I received another letter of rejection from the university of my dreams. I got it the first time, but thanks for reminding me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 121
You deserved it 2 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call the university and tell them to stop sending the letters. Probably an error in the system.


PhishloverA 14

It's Opposite Day Op so congratulations on being accepted!

I'd mail all three letters to the university's president. At minimum, you're owed a written apology -- or two.

Shame OP! Getting into Uni in South Africa is really competitive. Perhaps it was for a reason. Look overseas! The US would be happy to have you!

Absolutely. It was a New York, USA University which used the US Mail which had the Acceptance letter thrown in a Mail mans basement. For 26 years. So the US is ready. Look at the NEWS. We can't even take care of ourselves!!!

I'm sorry. The best way to get them to stop sending the letters is through email or a phone call.

FalconWhitaker 20

How charming! I bet it's a computer error. Universities have notoriously bad computer systems, even sometimes universities that have prestigious computing courses. I hope they don't send you any more.

Buzzy123 7

There just telling you and reassuring you that you can get in to a better university

RpiesSPIES 27

OP, it's a double negative, YOU'RE IN!!!

Alas, I got an acceptance letter from a college 26 years after applying. Why? After a mail mans death, the mail He didn't deliver over 30 years, was found in his basement! Sure changed my life. You can still Go On..... GOOD LUCK