By Anonymous - 17/10/2012 20:08 - United States - Hobart
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 02/04/2012 02:25 - United States - Binghamton
By Anonymous - 26/08/2020 14:01 - United States
By Beesmakemerun - 10/04/2017 04:00
By bees - 09/10/2014 06:51 - United States - Lancaster
By Jon - 05/05/2009 00:46 - United States
By Mitchellbassists - 17/04/2015 15:27 - United States - Dayton
By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 15:50 - United States
Lost the fight
By Anonymous - 24/12/2014 14:43 - United States - Herndon
By someone euthanize me - 16/01/2016 08:17
Buggin' out
By Anonymous - 01/09/2023 14:00
Top comments
you make them sound like evil genius', also I hope your stings get better, try holding some folded kitchen towel soaked in cold water on them.
Not sure if that's how you say the plural of genius, ironic
Since you mentioned it yourself, "geniuses".
I guess that huge water hose would do the job.
*Hornets: Bitch, I dare you.* LOL
Or genii if you want to be fancy. ;D
At least there not tracker jackers........
Or put some honey in you tea right in front of them while they are watching. Revenge is sweet!*evil laugh*
Or put some honey in you tea right in front of them while they are watching. Revenge is sweet!*evil laugh*
Put mud on the stings. Works like a charm. I've never tried the other stuff.
28 are you kidding? Shoot higher, I'm talkin' flamethrower!
Oh man. If those were tracker jackets you'd be having one hell of a time buddy
Suit up and get those bastards.
Or, if they are allergic like I am, I'd call the fire department. It happened to me before but I managed to see them before I walked outside. The craziest part was that there were two nests, three feet away from each other.
In San Diego, yes. I called the managers office and they told me to call the fire department. Plus, I wasn't the only one who was allergic to them. An ambulance tagged along in case someone did get stung. No one did :).
**** the suit, all you need is a flamethrower! Or some all purpose Lysol spray. Kills germs AND suffocates hell spawns
Fun fact: Lysol was the most popular form of birth control in the 20's. They also marketed it as a youth potion... with almost the exact same formula as they use today. Apparently so many people died of chemical burns or were sickened that the company switched owners and became a cleaning product.
#80 kills germs and mistakes the all in one youth potion
Sounds erotic yet painful.
The ******* of hornets, that is.
Perverted state of mind...
I ****** a hornet once. They're very selfish lovers. And they never call back.
Me so hornet.
Wait until night and pour some diesel fuel on their nest. That will kill them quick. I had to do that with the yellow jackets near my house.
Why diesel? Just curious.
My Papaw always told me that the oil coated their wings and smothered them and push come to shove you can just light it and run like all hell.
And then light it on fire
Don't use diesel, it will get into ground water.
Diesel is cheaper
Use chevron with tecron plus
70-it's like 1 cup of diesel it'll go in the hole kill them and not get anywhere near ground water...
A little diesel won't harm the ground water. Plus people don't use wells much anymore.
Or get hornet killer.
Screw all that get some tannerite and blow the shit out of them
Or else the handle smells like you and they're still mad.
Reminds me of the family guy episode where Peter and the gang try to be like jackass on tv... Quagmire puts honey on his dick and Peter shoves him while all the bees are on Quagmire's junk, lol.. This is way worse though.. I hope you're okay op.
102- I bet you dooo
Don't be a pansy. Go out and fight them. Throw some haymakers. Actually, they would rock your shit, so I would stay inside in the feeble position until they decide to let you off with a warning.
Fight fight like it's the last last night of your life life show them your bite! But seriously, don't bite them...
Bad part is that I originally had "fetal" but I just swore it didn't look right.... *facepalm* I done ****** up.
Feeble?! This isnt skateboarding!
I would clothe myself head to toe and grab the best hornet spray.

Suit up and get those bastards.
you make them sound like evil genius', also I hope your stings get better, try holding some folded kitchen towel soaked in cold water on them.