By Anonymous - 06/02/2010 12:40 - United Kingdom

Today, I received our gas bill for about £200. My flatmate felt that this was extortionate and therefore phoned up our gas company and angrily told them to recalculate the bill. They did. We now owe £300. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 541
You deserved it 5 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sassy8 0

blland - please tell me youre kidding, and not actually that stupid. And yeah, that sucks. that is seriously one hell of a gas bill.

Lifedoutcobra 0

Wow, your life sucks. Sometimes its better just to have some faith...


Lifedoutcobra 0

Wow, your life sucks. Sometimes its better just to have some faith...

MetroidSlayer01 8

you're 41 idiot? I'm pretty sure that made no sense whatsoever. congradulations, you have failed at calling somebody an idiot; you may now kill yourself.

He/she was calling the forty first poster an idiot. You sir, failed at owning someone.

#74 congratulations* Btw you failed at life.

sterl13 0

haha perdix would be ashamed especially since you weren't even first

in lizzie232's comment it said first... but i don't kno wat happened lol

how much is £200 and £300 in american $?

blland 0

a pound is a unit of mass! you can't convert mass to money, noob.

@11 a pound (£) used to be a pound (lb) of silver in saxon/medieval ages (that's medi-evil) both of which came from the libra measurement. Unfortunatly out in the colonies they no longer teach proper measurements I suggest you stop jabbing randomally at the keypad and let the adults talk, I do understand there are some of you out there who know how to talk, type etc. and mean no offence but to muppets like #11 get off the net.

Dude, it's FML. You are going to come across some idiots.

rubberjesus 0

am I the only one who realized #11 was joking, it was a bad joke granted but it was so obvious, if he knows what the pound symbol (sorry my computer doesn't have it) means then chances are he knows that pounds are british currency, everyone who thought he was serious is just as stupid as they accuse him of being

Alhan_fml 0

I say get rid of the flatmate and get a roommate. That should solve your main problem.

sourgirl101 28

It sucks but they sometimes estimate the amount. The complant made them do an exact check so you would of had to owed them the remaining amount next month any ways probly $400 or so. Find out why you're wasting so much gas.

Sassy8 0

blland - please tell me youre kidding, and not actually that stupid. And yeah, that sucks. that is seriously one hell of a gas bill.

KurouTenshi 0

You should start scrounging up all the pounds you can find, my friend. And might I suggest taping your "flatmates"'s mouth shut before he calls the water and the cable companies as well?

jess87_fml 0

not that it's important, but we're both girls. and yes KurouTenshi, taping her mouth shut would be a VERY good idea - op

tiancai 0

How the hell do you spend so much on gas, unless your roommate is a Nazi and uses his room for a gas chamber. A can of gas lasts me a couple of months, and only costs ¥90.

Lol Tiancal, gas suckers. probably also some asshole that protests about everyone elses "carbon footprint" as well.