By idiotfriend - 16/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I rented some movies in attempts to cheer up my best friend. Her husband just died a few weeks ago in a helicopter accident. I was in a rush and didn't read the descriptions of the two films, one was about a plane crash where all the passengers died. She cried through the entire movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 730
You deserved it 87 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you continue to watch the entire thing...?


There was an FML where a daughter rented Mama Mia for her mom after her sister uninvited her to her wedding. The movie is about a mother preparing her daughter for her wedding.

Get comedeys! You know with people like will smith on the front or all those other people who are funny which I forgot

ScrewShoes 0

I don't understand how 18 hasn't been moderated yet... But ya should have checked first

Luneth101 0

You should have read the descriptions, that was stupid. Sorry about her husband's death.

I have to believe this is fake cuz if this was indeed the case you would not watch the ENTIRE movie. once she started to breakdown i would hope that you who have the decency to stop the movie

Mods are getting sloppy. Someone else already had one just like this.

You didn't even try to pick out cheerful movies you knew she'd like? And you said you rented two...why didn't you watch the one that wasn't about the plane crash? It was nice you you to think of your friend, but sometimes it's not just the thought that counts...YDI for putting your friend through a movie about a plane crash when her husband just died in one. There are a LOT of things you could have done to keep her from watching that particular movie. #81...well put. I completely agree.

291togo 0

Is that your way of cheering her up? In that case, shoot her dog, rent Marley & Me and fast forward to the last 20 minutes. That'll be a pick me up.

Eresbel 0

Yeah, the real question is why you watched the whole thing.

did the picture of a plane crashing on the cover not clue you in?