By kennarama - 16/02/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I sat a client down for his haircut. He pulled off his hat and his hair was dripping wet. I asked him if he had just washed it. He responded, "No, but isn't it a hot day out?" No, it's twenty degrees and overcast today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 596
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Ain't oily, greasy, sweaty hair sexy? Think of it like lube.......

YeahFMLxX 0

Did no one play football, or wrestle, or play softball, or run track in high school? Sweats normal, leave the man alone, he may of had a fever or a gland/pore problem! I'm never nice on fml, but last time I went to the barber my appendix had just ruptured and I had a cold sweat, nasty fever, and threw up blood all over the chair! If you don't like humans, work in an office cubicle! 'Nuff said.