By Earths_Venus - 25/12/2009 06:28 - Australia

Today, I sat for 3 hours at my boyfriend's Christmas celebrations. He has 22 cousins. They open presents one at a time. In silence. I got nothing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 283
You deserved it 3 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although it's true that Christmas isn't all about receiving gifts, didn't your boyfriend get you anything? At all? That's a bit unfair. Tell me, at least, that he gave you a gift in private at some point...

newsgit 0

yeah, I think the FML here is that OP had to sit bored for three hours in silence.


Flamersplamer 0

**** all of your lives for not having discovered Jechtology!

gigi2009 0

"celebrations" is too much of a paradox

You know...I understand the FML in this...but I would feel a lot worse for you if you didn't turn it around about yourself and make sure we knew that you didn't get anything. That's just selfish. Odds are your boyfriend got you something and gave it to you later or something. I wouldn't expect you to get anything at HIS family's celebration.

How is she inconsiderate? I'd complain too, I don't know many people who wouldn't. She didn't get anything to be ungrateful or inconsiderate for, except hours wasted from her life. I'm sorry, but I'd tell your boyfriend to shove it if he tried to corner me into that, he could have at least WARNED you, which he didn't. FYL, your boyfriend sounds like a knob. :[ xx

That sucks. Its not entirely about her not getting a present. It about sitting for a really long time watching 22 other people unwrap their gifts in silence therefore probably BORED out of her mind. For example, my sister and her boyfriend did an early gift exchange with me and I was expecting to open a gift. It's fine that I didn't but it was pretty boring to wait while she unwrapped her Louis Vitton purse and stared at it for 20 minutes (in silence), talk about the purse and then tell me I'll get my gift later since it was a joined gift from them. That was pretty boring too but not as boring as the OP

skyeyez9 24
darkblue_13 0

well thats pretty awkward that his family doesn't talk. But a family gathering would have been a weird time to give his girlfriend a present, so I would assume that the boyfriend might give her a present later.

melissa1983 0

Well aren't you an ungrateful little bitch.

I don't understand these "You are ungrateful" comments... I mean, they didn't actually give her anything to be grateful for. She sat in silence for 3 hours as part of their tradition.

Maddoctor 10

I agree with Alice. It's not exactly ungrateful to sit through 22 people opening their presents and then on top of that be the only one out of probably 30 people to recieve nothing. If that happened to me I'd be just a little irritated, as I'm sure a lot of people on this thread would be also.

vexedmalibu 0

Not really, why are people throwing this word around? Is she supposed to be grateful that she was invited to sit in silence for three hours on a holiday she could have been spending with friends or family where she would have been included?

you should have made them sammiches while they were opening the presents