By GogoTheGreat - 24/04/2012 02:12 - United States - Mission

Today, I saw a picture of a dude on a Harley on my friend's wall. I asked her if it was Dog the bounty hunter. It wasn't, it was her aunt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 578
You deserved it 5 009

GogoTheGreat tells us more.

GogoTheGreat 12

Her hair was in her face so I couldn't tell if there was a beard or not.

Top comments

Damn, that must be a butch looking woman.

Doesn't Dog the Bounty Hunter have a huge moustache? O.o


I've never heard of a human being with a "yes".

forthelove82 7

Maybe your friend's aunt needs a... shave.

perdix 29

I guess now you won't plan on skipping bail anytime soon. Not only will Dog be hunting your ass down, so will an army of wannabes. (Sorry about your aunt 'stache :( )

Maybe next time just say ''who is this?''

KendratheUnicorn 0

I wonder if people regularly confuse her for him...

fuckmebutdontfml 16

so it wasn't him??? bummer, I bet you wanted an autograph

It was Dog while he was hunting someone. Incognito bitches. You'll never see em coming.