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By ShiriSarah - 20/08/2009 14:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I saw a video of myself filmed last night, hammered, climbing my wardrobe screaming, "I WANT TO GO TO NARNIA" while naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 356
You deserved it 178


YDI for getting hammered. This is hilarious though :D

Well maybe don't get hammered next time... but seriously lol!

lunaroseemh 0

can you send me a copy of the video?? lmao

kitsune_fml 0

This is totally not an FML.... Drunkenly searching for Narnia is fabulous.

danielle1336 0

lmfao thts got to be funniest thing I've heard all day :) aww poor u lol

prettykitty123 0

This has to be my favoriteeee fml ever

sweetSandy 0

LMBO wow epic fail or win? idk...

Xrailer 0

i want to be with you when your drunk.