By PeppermintPenny - 06/04/2015 13:54 - Germany - Leopoldsh?he
PeppermintPenny tells us more.
OP here, hi. I REALLY can’t believe this got posted. Out of all the times I tried, this FML had to be my first that got published. I would’ve preferred some others, but that’s what you get for trying I guess. I bet you’re all wondering about my age, I’m 19. Being completely curious about the background of most FMLs, I promised myself I’d do a follow-up no matter what, so here it is. It seems my post has divided the community. I trim! Thanks to everyone jumping to my defense saying that unshaven/untrimed hair isn’t strong enough to pierce through clothing. It has grown a little longer in the last couple of weeks since I’m currently at home for the semester break and left my trimmer in my apartment at the university (I have a seperate razor for my armpits). But its still in a normal range even if I say so myself. To the event itself: I haven’t been feeling well the last few days and had been wearing the sweatpants, that are a little on the flimsy side, for a little over 24 hours. I was with my family but they didn’t pay attention to me. In our house everywhere is cat hair, so its not a notable thing to pick a few of the cats hairs of your clothing. Imagine my surprise when I tried removing that particular hair and I felt a tuck. It didn’t hurt, like some might think, cause I don’t rip cat hair from my clothing. I got up, washed my hands and moved my sweatpants around so it was tucked back in. Not a permanent solution, I know, but I do plan on taking care of it this week. I hope you all understand that I mean I will trim this week. To all those people saying „EWWW, OP YOU HAVE TO SHAVE“: I’m not here to please you and I can do whatever I want with my body as long as it doesn’t affect others and believe me, this sure as hell doesn’t affect you, so please hold back your unwanted advice. On the hygienic viewpoint: I have never read this much about vaginal care at once, and that on FML. While you can do whatever you feel right about, don’t lecture me on what you THINK is best. I like lifestyle advice best with facts that have been scientifically proven. Ratings in the **** industry don’t count. The pro bush front almost has me convinced to let it sprout, because it appears to have a lot of (hygienic) advantages, but I think I strike the happy medium and keep with neat trimming. I would ask my boyfriend on his preference, but I’m single (always have been and fear that I always will be, but I think that‘s another FML altogether). I hope I answered most of your questions. I’m purposly not answering all of them, but if you ask nicely and respectfully maybe I will. Thanks again to those who defended me and didn’t assume I was a unhygienic, disgusting bitch, just because I let my pubic hair grow a little. You’re the best and I really feel accepted here and much better about the FML. Without you, there probably wouldn’t be a follow-up. Also some comments really made me laugh out loud, keep up the good work!
Top comments
that's kinda gross.... you should shave....
The popular opinion seems to be shaving, so you should definitely shave your cat. You'd avoid all future cat/pube confusion.
That's actually really disgusting.
Jesus Christ
story of my life op. I feel you gf
I bought a bikini trimmer and I thank my lucky stars for it. Being pregnant, all my hair grows at a freakishly fast rate, and I need to bushwhack (pun intended) it until it's more tame.
Oh honey you need to trim
There are way too many comments saying "You need to shave/trim". The only thing OP "needs" to do is make their own choices. It is humanly normal to have pubes. Both society and the sex industry, not to mention gender roles, have brainwashed women into thinking that having pubes makes us dirty, unattractive, and unhygienic. Us ladies need to think for ourselves and be proud that we are human and not airbrushed, hairless sex objects with flawless skin. As a woman who goes between trimming, waxing, shaving- and just not giving a **** on some days- it's your body and your choice what to do with your bush. That said, I'm ashamed by everyone who believes hairless should be the norm for women. If you feel cleaner hairless, that's great- but that doesn't make women who have pubes unhygienic. For the male opinions, I will say this: the guys I've dated who felt I ought to be hairless were the hairiest, least hygienic douchecanoes I've ever wasted my time on. The men I've dated who told me what I do with my bush is up to me- the most gentlemanly, hygienic, and talented lovers I've had. Including the current guy :) Be human. Make your own choices and remember that other people have the right to make their own choices. There is nothing wrong with having a bush- but there is something wrong with unnatural hairlessness being the expected norm for all women. We're human. Deal with it.
It's spring, time to prune the bushes back
the winter rug? just tuck it back in