By cndpost - 13/11/2009 05:45 - Canada

Today, I sent my boyfriend a letter, turns out it was the wrong address. My panties are now somewhere in Canadian post. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 829
You deserved it 42 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rainkicksu 0

Why would you send your boyfriend your underwear..hope it wasnt used o.O Anyways, that sucks

perdix 29

You're going to see some lucky guy walking around town with his delightful-smelling anti-swine-flu mask. He probably doesn't even mind the skidmarks.


Um why do you not know your boyfriends address? And furthermore why would you send him your undies?

Oh, so the underwear I got in the mail is YOURS. Things make more sense now.

Simply_J 0

"What can brown do for you" pun intended!

That's friggin weird... Why would you send him panties....?