By nohair - 24/04/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, I shaved my head because I heard that one of my good friends got cancer. I went to visit her in the hospital. She's not bald. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 576
You deserved it 60 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jvillan87 5

well at least you were being supportive.

jellyybeans 5

well it doesn't instantly happen as soon as they get cancer. but you sound like a good friend (:


man_in_black08 28

u nutcase.. YDI for being stupid.. ur post shud have been,"my best friend has cancer, FML.".. tht must have showed u cared.. eff u anf ur hair.. ahh

that was a very admirable thing to do

u women r just stupid. stop using ur feelings!

jonverdevex 0

sucks for youhope it grows back

People who have cancer don't automatically become bald.. Very nice of you though...

xlibrax 0

Wow, that sucks about your friend. I'd say that alone is an FML. You should have checked first. And you deserve it for assuming that because she has cancer, she would be bald.

Chemo doesn't make your hair fall out in one day, it happens over time. And with some people it doesn't even happen at all! You should have waited until she was bald/ I'm sorry to say YDI.