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By Anonymous - 17/10/2013 16:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I let a friend cut my hair. I soon went from having a 'fro to looking like I lost a fight with a lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 749
You deserved it 17 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Why would you cut off an afro in the first place?

Seriously. Afros have become an endangered species, OP, and they're so beautiful and majestic. You can't do that to them! YOU JUST CAN NOT!

\ 28

"You mess with the fro, you gotta go." -Undercover Brother

purrypie 9

Can I just hug you right now. You sir, just made my night.

Tonka2203 7

did you know your friend couldn't cut your hair properly? I could never trust someone like that... but that's just me

Ch_rae5 19

i let my friend cut my hair once, she was a certified hair hairdresser but failed to mention that she had been only working there one hair turned out to look like my old barbie's hair after i was done playibg "hairdresser".

At least you can act gangster and say you lost it in a turf war.

sammyjanette 17

Act gangster? Turf war? What does an afro or lack thereof have to do with either of those things?

"Turf" as in lawn, "acting gangster" as in bragging rights and a loose association between gangsters and afros.

\ 28

Hmm, never seen people with afros to be particularly bellicose/territorial.

JMichael 25

Always get it done professionally

Everyday_Galaxy 14

It's better than getting in a fight with a wood chipper.

No one ever wins when there's a Wood chipper involved.

My great grandpappi survived a wood chipper once, then the sand blaster got him •-•

sammyjanette 17

Fros are awesome! Maybe that was the fro's way of telling you that you should never cut it.

Just be badass and tell people you won the fight with the mower. they can be dangerous!

"Yeah, you should see the lawn mower."

kxxjoejoexxk 8

Shaved my head once. I got called "Bobby" for a solid month.

I've learned to not let friends cut my hair, the hard way.

infected150 27

Yet another reason to never trust friends with anything that has to do with your appearance.