By RootalyTootToot - 29/06/2018 15:00

Today, after slipping on my stairs and spraining my ankle, I got a brace and crutches at urgent care. When I went to get into my car, my crutch slipped on some paper and I fell. I crawled back into urgent care, only to learn that my sprained ankle is now broken in 2 places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 358
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess that's really how Paper is supposed to beat Rock.

Looks like the urgent care center really knows how to create repeat business!


I guess that's really how Paper is supposed to beat Rock.

JamJarBinks 20

A fan of The Regulators, OP? (judging by your name) :)

Damn that's some bullshit, when I tore the main ligament in my ankle a nurse walked and then helped me into my car,when I asked if they do this for all patients he said only one's who are at risk of falling again, he said a patient had fallen before hit there head on car door frame and almost died, I'd be getting a lawyer.

Looks like the urgent care center really knows how to create repeat business!

FishyFishy 12

I broke my ankle once,but urgent care told me it was sprained and 3 days later called to say it was broken!

doctor: "alright op, get plenty of rest and if things don't seem right, come back" op: "thanks doc!" *slips on paper and crawls back in*

Some body at urgent care not doing their job sounds like a lawsuit giving you wrong information

Their ankle wasn't broken the first visit, only after they slipped in the parking lot did it break.

chris_lillo 15

I mean on the brightside at least you didn't break your other ankle! Sorry OP

adelaine782002 17

he did, after he slipped on paper in the parking lot leaving urgent care the first time. He broke it in two places..😐

chris_lillo 15

Oh I read it as his originally sprained ankle is now broken

Well, at least you didn’t have to crawl from home. Wow! Wishing you well wishes galore!

mentalissues 12

Breaks take less time to heal than sprains at least