By KingFML1 - 14/06/2015 17:16 - United States - Sayre

Today, I started working my new summer job at McDonald's. Only 2 hours into my first shift, my tooth falls out onto a young girl's tray of food. Not only did she see it, but my managers and other people waiting in line all saw it. I don't think I have a summer job anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 173
You deserved it 5 428

KingFML1 tells us more.

Hey guys OP here... Can't believe this was posted to be honest!!! I had to make a account so I could explain what happened.. First off, it is a FAKE tooth that I have had trouble with and has fallen out numerous times before this coincidence. I haven't had a real tooth in that spot for 5 years now, so when the fake tooth falls out it doesn't bother me. Well at least it didn't. Unfortunately, the young girl was mortified, as was I?. She didn't eat her food after managers refunded and paid for a new meal, and replaced everything on the tray, (I felt terrible by the way). Although my managers were very understanding, the mother wasn't to happy and I doubt she'll be back(I don't blame her). Looking back now, it will be a great story to tell my kids someday. Now I'm looking into implants instead of having the chance of my fake tooth falling out onto another tray of food. Anyway thanks for the comments so far, you guys have me laughing my ass off! Keep it up, Thanks!!

Top comments

What the **** is wrong with your mouth? Are you not lovin' it?

I'd be pretty grossed out too :/ Unless you're 12 and that's a baby tooth, I'd suggest seeing a dentist asap.


Its McDonald's something like that happens everyday, don't worry man.

Enough with everyone making Meth jokes. I've had a permanent tooth get damaged (an accident) and had to have the rest of it removed and now i have an implant.

Alright after I explained what happened, some are asking why my tooth fell out. Well it was because I did meth...... JK. Okay so I'm 19, and I lost 4 teeth in a car accident when I was 14. Was a pretty serious accident, when a drunk driver hit my parents car. I was in the back seat on drivers side, where the truck impacted. Thankfully everyone survived, and I would rather lose few teeth then lose my life. Once again you guys have made me laugh, and thanks for commenting. P.S. I kept my job!

I'm so glad you're ok! And...thanks for clearing that up for all the negative, cynical ppl... :P

I'm fifteen and still losing teeth. I feel you, lol.

AntiJuliet 3

If you're old enough to work and your teeth are falling out I think you have bigger problems to worry about.

hannahgrac3 12
AnonymousZOMBIE 12

don't worry, McDonald's is disgusting anyway...