By CreamGravy - 06/10/2013 13:54 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I told my coworkers that I was going on a date tonight so they would think I have a social life. One of them spotted me while I was eating alone at McDonalds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 063
You deserved it 30 515

CreamGravy tells us more.

Well to be honest I made the whole thing up because I got tired of being that one guy at work who can't get a girlfriend. It's a small place, there are only 8 of us who work there, and I'm the only one that's single, so I get jokes about it quite a lot. They're nothing bad, I know it's all in fun, but yesterday someone made yet another joke about it and for some reason I just blurted out that I had a date tonight. As soon as I did I figured might as well go with the story, so when I got questioned about it I made up a fake name and description for the girl as well. The best part is that I told everyone I was taking her to this really fancy and expensive restaurant, so when they saw me at McDonalds it was ironic actually. Luckily for me today is a holiday, but I have a feeling tomorrow the mocking is going to be worse than ever. I voted YDI by the way.

Top comments

I guess it didn't turn out to be one happy meal... :D

you should've just told them that you got stood up.


etoilenuit 15

If you are talking to your coworkers about what you are doing that night and decide to lie, bc you have no social life, why wouldn't you just ask them to hang out and change that?

\ 28

Or you could eat in your car while fiddling with your phone. That's what I do to look busy... Sometimes...

ThatFancyPenn 18

I find it somewhat odd that someone was eating alone AT McDonald's anyway.

Why is it odd to eat alone AT McDonalds?

ElementaryEdGuy 18

OP could've said he was pre-eating, so he didn't gross out his date.

Just tell them "I was on a date with me,myself and I."

Did you go on a date with your Big Mac? :) I know I would...

Shhh don't tell the quarter pounder!

jw90 18

My McNuggets are getting jealous.

The McFlurry is telling the fries now.

Don't worry guys, they all have beef with the Big Mac.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

Well, what a whopper of a situation. Wait, wrong burger joint. *Sneaks out quietly*

CaiDog 20

Are you a big mac? Because you're definately my number 1!

these would have to be the best McDonald's jokes I've ever seen . I'm literally laughing out loud here ! :)

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I don't know about you, 63, but a Big Mac only makes me have to number two..

Aussieinusa 5

I heard the McChicken can get a little.. Spicy

I guess it didn't turn out to be one happy meal... :D

Are you kidding? I order the happy meal and squeal with joy every time I get my toy.

Ch_rae5 19

the question is, is why would you go out in public if you said you were going to be with someone

Why would you even comment if that's all you had to say?

Because apparently that's all he got to say I guess lol

Why lie? You could have asked one of them to hang out or something

Not saything that its okay, but its embarrassing to say that you have no social life. People would just look at you weird and feel sorry for you... Not something you really want, but I do agree he could just asked them if they wanted to hang out.

So why not just say "hey do you want to get a beer/burger tonight after work?" Instead of "I have no social life please be my friend!!"?! You can invite people to hang out without coming across tragic? OP creating a fake social life to seem cool leaves no opportunity to create a genuine social life. Don't be afraid to make the first move and suggest hanging out outside of work!

You wouldn't say, "I have no social life." He could say something like, "I'm free tonight. Want to do something?"

I was thought it's harder for men to get a date, not quite the other way around..

Well to be honest I made the whole thing up because I got tired of being that one guy at work who can't get a girlfriend. It's a small place, there are only 8 of us who work there, and I'm the only one that's single, so I get jokes about it quite a lot. They're nothing bad, I know it's all in fun, but yesterday someone made yet another joke about it and for some reason I just blurted out that I had a date tonight. As soon as I did I figured might as well go with the story, so when I got questioned about it I made up a fake name and description for the girl as well. The best part is that I told everyone I was taking her to this really fancy and expensive restaurant, so when they saw me at McDonalds it was ironic actually. Luckily for me today is a holiday, but I have a feeling tomorrow the mocking is going to be worse than ever. I voted YDI by the way.

perdix 29

#79, you need to learn: 1) to stop lying, 2) to lower your standards and find someone to date you, 3) what "irony" really means.

83 - What is the meaning of this word "standards"? But seriously, that's definitely not the problem here

you should've just told them that you got stood up.

86 - They might buy it but I'm still a loser either way aren't I?

OP, you could have said you were stood up or she cancelled for an important reason. Don't lie next time, though.

Hey fellow Queenslander haha. Your coworkers sound really immature...I probably would have done the same thing since I can't get a boyfriend so don't worry OP lol.

I know exactly how you feel. I work in a small group to and am the only one without a gf.

Redoxx_fml 22

Just tell them she really wanted an apple pie

perdix 29

#85, evidently, it is a problem. You've probably have to bend on your requirements even further. Is it really that important that she smells clean?

Lowering one's standards is never a good solution. If you have high standards, you'll only have people who really deserve your time in your life. Low standards=bad quality.

Martinez0285 28

maybe its your picture of Obama ...

you have obama as your profile pic....says it all for me...

Anyone else thinking 90 and OP should somehow get together?

I love how people are saying you shouldn't of lied and that it was wrong. Honestly do what you think is the right thing to do in this situation. Its your life, not ours.

actually, from my understanding people told OP that he shouldn't HAVE lied, not "shouldn't of lied"

Lowering standards aren't a bad thing if you can logically conclude you have unreasonable standards. (Which will require some honest self reflection) Just look around for someone you admire, or like being around. We all have flaws, but if that's all you see in a person, no one will be good enough. I'm not saying this is your issue, btw. I'm countering those who say you should never lower your standards. IMO, that's cliché speech.

jw90 18

Nah you're not a loser. Lots of guys have problems finding a girlfriend. And having "standards" isn't a bad thing. I think more people should have them.

I agree....just say she called u and said she had a family emergency that she had th rescheduled so u figured ud get urself some Mickey d's

Ah yes, the famous FML spelling and grammar police. No one cares, we understood perfectly fine what she was saying.

Hey at least he's being a good sport about it give the guy a break!

AtherSheep 15

Awe. Ask them to stop? It's not very nice. I know how it feels when people make jokes, you know, they know and think it. But it still gets to you, and it still brings you down. It doesn't exactly feel good, and you start thinking badly. If you ask them to stop and explain why, they might stop doing it. If they are nice people who can be sympathetic, then they would stop.

Epikatz 22

It's a sad day when even the President of the United States can't get a date. Seriously though, Michelle's gonna be pissed.

83 really, yeah well maybe hes trying to get a date or something. You dont know that, hell you dont even need to be in his business. He said what he had and ive lied to my friends about stuff like this.

I was not aware that you could vote on your own FMLs

Yo Op. Don't let them get you down. I was single for 6 years before I met my GF. You'll find someone.

That is irony. He said he was gonna take a girl to a really expensive restaurant and he was alone and at McDonalds. Maybe you should learn what irony is.

Was going to say that but then I saw your comment haha beat me to it

Lolz. Might end bad. Be one whopper of a story though. Oh, someone already made a whopper joke? #idgaff

Ask one of them to set you up. Then you will have a date and can go on double dates with Co workers

I get you cant get a date and people laugh but this is the perfect time to laugh with them! If they really though you got a date then break into laughter about how funny that shit is!

Dawnem 5

I'd go on a date with you... Single life sucks

Would've been better if the joke included mc Donald's and not Burger King. . .

why not just tell them she was sick? then Find an actual girl, and tell them that you dumped the old one for being nasty.

No you're not. Everyone get his chance.

Except they're both guys. And op's clearly straight from his made up story.

gintwinsmoore 20

Not a loser at all, fact, women love men with standards. I personally like men to have high standards, like I have.

You can always say you're going stag from now on, OP. If and when your coworkers tease and belittle you for being single, you can always fire back by ridiculing them about how they've "settled", and how they got out of the game early because they haven't any game. I figure it's the perfect preface for a good, hard "Now, are you going to quit ******* with me on how I live my life, or do I have to take this any further? Get off my case."

It's IRONIC that it's actually you that needs to learn what irony means

That's actually exactly what I'm thinking,go for it OP. XD

That is the correct usage of the word irony

Why were they there? Seems like we have two loners..

What if the coworker was going to the mcdonalds with their bf/gf?

Who takes their BF/GF to McDonald's dude?

In France, McDonald's looks like a high-end joint.

Rainhawk94 27

wow so far no.comments buried. quick bury mine!

50- Normal people who just want to grab a bite to eat. Not every night needs to be a huge deal.

Your personal life isn't any of their business. There isn't a need to tell them you have a date or if you're going to spend it alone.

To add on to what Welshite was saying, if they do find out then there would be either three things they would do: 1)Try to befriend you 2)Not do anything 3)Make fun of you If they make fun of you, that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you, but simply means that they are ***** for doing such a thing.

TheDrifter 23

You don't really have to tell your co-workers about dates with Palmela Handerson, they'll just think you're creepy.

CockAsian 14

Don't be afraid to make new friends, OP. Ask one of them to hang out. Perhaps some of them are like you and want something to do as well!

Ah sorry OP, hope your co-worker is discrete enough to not question you about it.