By katt_is_here - 06/10/2013 05:51 - United States - Greeley

By katt_is_here - 06/10/2013 05:51 - United States - Greeley
OP here! To answer some questions: 1) The bottle...well, it's pretty damn obvious what it is considering it has GIANT letters on it that say "Anti-Bacterial Toy Cleaner" next to a image of a girl dancing with a giant ***** like a stripper pole. If she did see it, it is more than obvious what it is used for. 2) Soap can damage some toys so it's better to get a cleaner specifically designed for the items you are cleaning. You wouldn't wash your windows with oven cleaner, for example. 3) I guess some people missed where I said "SURPRISE" visit. As in I wasn't expecting her. As in there is A LOT of things I would have done to prepare had I known she was coming. I'm not messy, but most people clean their place better when they are expecting company, no? 4) I pay my own bills. This apartment is no more hers than my toys are. Either way, I thought it was a funny and somewhat embarrassing story to share. Have a good one!
Well at least she didn't call you out and make it awkward
I'm just curious. Why not use dial gold its antibacterial and I'm sure a lot cheaper
True enough. OP should realize that pretty well everyone has masturbated at one point, the only awkward thing about it is discussing it.
#21 Probably because adult toy cleaning products make your adult toy safer to put back wherever you put it.
She didn't call the OP out because she probably used it herself.
Guess she won't be dropping by to surprise you again.
Her surprise visit turned out to be a surprise to her
#28 wouldn't a antibacterial soap do the same thing? I mean surgeons use antibacterial before operating. Just thought that it may be a more cost effective solution
At least you're sanitary. It's better than not cleaning them at all.
That awful! But you still should put stuff like that up the second you are done with it and not leave it lying around.
In her own home when she lives alone? I use my toys daily and as such my cleaner has a special place near my sink. You are allowed to put things where ever you want in your own damn place.
Exactly, if you're old enough to have your own place, you shouldn't be embarrassed about it.
Well you are an adult
You'd be surprised what parents don't tell their kids...your mom may just have something in common with you and understands
she should be happy your using clean toys..
She may not of noticed.
Who cares? It's a mistake. Just move along. *waits patiently for thumb downs and grammar nazis*
#41 I find it ironic how you also made a mistake in your comment on making mistakes *that ok, you can thumb me down
Cleanliness is next to.. um ya.
At least you're sanitary. It's better than not cleaning them at all.
Well at least she didn't call you out and make it awkward