By sadsadlady - 14/12/2009 20:25 - Canada

Today, I told my husband that while he was away I had had a miscarriage. His response? "If you can't take care of our baby while it is still inside you, how can I trust you to take care of it when it comes out?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 169
You deserved it 3 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's effed up I mean, REALLY effed up Damn.

WTF. I hope this isn't true. if it is then you need to leave him. That is one of the cruelest, hurtful insensitive things Ive heard in a long time. My wife and I lost our first child 4 years ago to a miscarriage and I still get upset by it, thankfully we have 2 beautiful children now. leave that loser.


I know this is an old post, but I wanted to tell you that this is just terrible and he had no right to say that. I'm so sorry. My mom had many miscarriages before me and she almost gave cus it was such a hard thing to go through. I hope you're doing well.

what a ****. please tell me you're not still with him?

Stab that disrespectful, heartless sack in the dick and leave him

rocker_chick23 27

I hope you left his ass. I lost 2 babies to miscarriages, and I would have divorced my husband if he said something that horrible to me.

omg what an asshole... im sorry about your miscarriage but luckily you didnt had a baby with that man

kpn23 2

holy ****. what an insensitive prick.

♡ to you. You don't need to stay married to an asshole who won't love and support you during the most traumatic event of your life. I'd have left my husband had he said this to me after our miscarriage. It was horrible and I'm so so so sorry you had to face this alone. ♡♡♡♡♡♡

CaroAurelia 12

I hope you have happy, healthy children... WITH SOMEONE ELSE. He's a douchebag. I'm not even going to sugarcoat it and say "he sounds like a douchebag." You can't say something like that and not be a douchebag. I'm very sorry for your loss. FYI, I'm no expert on the matter, but I'm pretty sure miscarriages tend to happen if the unborn baby has some sort of health problem. So it wasn't your fault.