By sadsadlady - 14/12/2009 20:25 - Canada

Today, I told my husband that while he was away I had had a miscarriage. His response? "If you can't take care of our baby while it is still inside you, how can I trust you to take care of it when it comes out?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 169
You deserved it 3 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's effed up I mean, REALLY effed up Damn.

WTF. I hope this isn't true. if it is then you need to leave him. That is one of the cruelest, hurtful insensitive things Ive heard in a long time. My wife and I lost our first child 4 years ago to a miscarriage and I still get upset by it, thankfully we have 2 beautiful children now. leave that loser.


XxWormFoodxX 14

Can't believe anyone would say anything so stupid...

Rule27 10

Oh wow. I would divorce the insensitive son of a b.

What an ass.. I'm sorry op, miscarriage isn't your fault.

I'm just rolling on the floor right now. For a quebec person you're just encouraging the "newfie" stereotypes

CyberGothic 16

Hope your kids get their smarts from your side of the family.

my ex said something similar to. horrible thing to hear when you already blame yourself

Does he realize that it was his child too? If he does, you need a new husband.